General and Laparoscopic Surgery

Sri Mahavir Hospital’s general and laparoscopic surgery department is equipped with sophisticated equipment to perform complex and simple laparoscopic surgical procedures. An instrument, called a laparoscope, is often used for surgery on the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine (colon) spleen, stomach, pelvis or reproductive organs.

The Best General and Laparoscopic Surgery Hospital in Surguja

Shri Mahavir Hospital uses cutting-edge surgical technology to treat patients who had been hospitalised for general and laparoscopic surgery. Modern high-tech instruments and innovative technologies have made major procedures like abdominal surgery obsolete in favour of minimally invasive laparoscopic alternatives that are less painful, heal faster, and cost less without compromising on quality. Anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, and neoplasia are all aspects of surgery that Shri Mahavir Hospital’s general surgery and laparoscopic surgery practitioners are familiar with. Aside from that, our department of general and laparoscopic surgery has highly trained surgeons who combine surgical breakthroughs with clinical care to ensure patient safety and success.

To remove a malignant or noncancerous tumour or to repair a damaged section of the body, such as a damaged intestine, surgery may be necessary. Another use is to correct an issue such as a hernia (a hole or weak spot in the wall of the abdomen). Minor surgical treatments are used to check for and diagnose issues, which are usually non-invasive.

Our skilled surgeons perform surgery to treat benign (noncancerous) conditions that affect different parts of body. Our experienced surgeons perform general and laparoscopic surgery to treat benign (noncancerous) conditions that affect the different body systems.

The general and laparoscopic surgeons at Shri Mahavir Hospital collaborate to establish a complete treatment plan for patients suffering from diseases. They are experienced in a wide range of surgical procedures. They provide professional care while using a collaborative approach in the treatment of tumours, cancer, and transplantation, among other conditions. Our collaborative approach results in accurate diagnosis and, where necessary, early surgical intervention.

Comprehensive surgical treatment for a wide range of disorders, including cancer, is provided. The department gives access to cutting-edge diagnostics, allowing our staff to build individualised treatment plans depending on the clinical situation of each patient.

The department’s continual goal is to provide a patient-friendly environment that allows patients to heal more quickly and return to their regular activities more quickly. We are the top surgical outcomes provider in the city, and our results are on par with worldwide norms.



Surgeries for skin and soft tissues

    • Incision and drainage: Incision and drainage is a non-invasive surgical procedure performed by surgeons to remove pus or pressure built up under the skin. Our high-quality treatment helps to treat the abscess and relieve pain permanently.
    • Debridement: Our surgeons at Shri Mahavir employ advanced surgical instruments to remove the injured or infected tissues from the wound. We always provide anaesthesia to patients in order to minimise the pain during treatment.We ensure that wounds heal in time and without infection.
    • Lymph node excision: Our surgeon employs sophisticated surgical instruments to remove lymph node tissue for evaluation during the lymph node excision procedure. In order to avoid further complications, our doctors routinely screen for indications of new chronic infections, tumours, or immunological abnormalities.
    • Excision of dermoid & sebaceous cysts, corn, lipomas, neurofibromas, ganglion Dermoid, sebaceous & Ganglion cysts: Our doctor examines and diagnoses cysts using a range of techniques, depending on the cyst’s location. We perform a non-invasive surgical treatment to completely remove the cyst to reduce the risk of further discomfort or pain. Corn: The surgeons employ a combination of treatment options and surgery to completely remove the corn, which helps in pain alleviation and skin repair. Neurofibromas: Neurofibromas are a common type of benign nerve tumours. Our expert doctors analyse the disease using advanced imaging techniques and a physical examination. Using cutting-edge technology, the surgeons carefully remove all or parts of the neurofibroma that are pressing on nearby tissue or damaging organs. The major goal of the procedure is to remove the tumour without inflicting the patient with any serious nerve damage. Lipomas: Our expert team conducts various imaging tests and physical examinations to identify the cause and condition of the lipoma. Our surgeons employ minor surgical procedures to cut them out without scarring or pain.
    • Fasciotomy: At Shri Mahavir Hospital, we use a safe fasciotomy surgical technique to cut the fascia and relieve compartmental pressure in patients suffering from limb compartment syndrome. A detailed patient history and physical examination will be analysed by our specialists to confirm the presence of compartment syndrome. The patient is given anaesthesia during the treatment to keep them pain-free and comfortable.
    • Amputation for dry and wet gangrene: Our experienced healthcare providers perform various lab tests and physical examinations to check for the signs of tissue death. Typically, the expert team will perform safe surgical treatment to prevent gangrene from spreading to nearby healthy tissue and to improve circulation.

Surgeries on salivary gland

  • Superficial parotidectomy for pleomorphic adenoma, Warthin’s tumour: Pleomorphic adenoma and warthin’s tumour in the salivary gland are treated by our physicians by employing a non-invasive superficial parotidectomy surgical procedure to safely remove the glands and tumour.
  • Total parotidectomy: Our expert team performs a total parotidectomy operation to safely remove all the parotid glands. The patient’s blood and urine samples will be taken for thorough analysis, and they will be given anaesthesia during the treatment to ease the pain.
  • Excision of submandibular gland for tumour and calculi: To treat tumours and calculi in the submandibular glands, our surgeon makes an incision under the jaw line and removes the affected parts without causing much pain and discomfort to the patient.

Surgeries on breast

  • Breast cancer/mass diagnosis: Breast cancer or mass in breast is diagnosed using a breast examination, mammogram or biopsy, and is treated as well.
  • Incision and drainage of breast abscess: Incision and drainage of breast abscess is a less invasive surgical procedure where the surgeon uses a scalpel to make a small incision to drain the infected fluid from the affected area of the breast.
  • Enucleation of fibroadenoma: Fibroadenoma is a non-cancerous tumour that can be removed by various medical options depending on its size. After analysing the size and lump of the breast, the doctor carries out the surgical treatment to remove the breast lesion. The patients are recommended to undergo regular follow-up to assess complications and outcomes.
  • Microdochectomy and excision of multiple ducts for duct ectasia: A microdochectomy, or breast duct excision, is a simple surgical procedure performed by surgeons to remove a breast duct by placing an incision in the area of the nipple. The procedure is usually undertaken when the patient has abnormal nipple discharge from a single duct. Duct excision surgery is carried out to remove all milk ducts located below the areola and the nipple through small incisions.
  • Simple mastectomy for cystosarcoma phyllodes: Simple mastectomy is a major surgical procedure which removes one or both breasts. Cystosarcoma phyllodes are malignant tumours in the breast that are often removed with simple mastectomy surgery. The general surgeon thoroughly evaluates the condition of the patient in order to cure the rare sarcoma of the breast.
  • Breast conservation surgery (BCS) : Breast conservation surgery is a key part of breast cancer treatment. It is generally performed in our hospital to remove cancerous cells or other abnormal tissues from the breast. In order to control the spread, the surgeon also removes the lymph nodes under the arm.
  • Modified radical mastectomy (MRM): Modified radical mastectomy is a surgical procedure performed by the expert surgeons to remove the entire breast including nipple, breast tissue, areola, and parts of the lymph nodes in order to treat the breast cancer.

Surgeries of abdominal wall and groin

  • Open onlay/preperitoneal mesh repair for ventral hernias (epigastric, umbilical, paraumbilical, incisional, lumbar): Ventral hernias in the anterior abdominal wall include both spontaneous or primary hernias (e.g., umbilical, epigastric, and spigelian) and, most commonly, incisional hernias after an abdominal operation. Small primary ventral hernias less than 2.5 cm in diameter are often successfully closed with primary tissue repairs. However, larger ones often have a recurrence rate of up to 30% to 40% when a tissue repair alone is performed. It is estimated that 2% to 10% of all abdominal operations result in incisional hernias. This explains the predominance of such hernias. Fortunately, the use of mesh has revolutionised the repair of abdominal wall hernias.
  • Lichtenstein’s mesh repair for inguinal hernias: Lichtenstein mesh repair is a type of hernia procedure performed by doctors to treat inguinal hernias. The direct hernia is isolated from the cord and placed back into the abdominal cavity.
  • Open femoral hernia repair: The procedure is performed to treat a condition known as femoral hernia, which is an uncommon and painful condition. The bulged area is pushed back into position after surgery, which strengthens the abdominal wall. The surgery removes the hernia and prevents any significant abdominal consequences.
  • Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair (TAPP): The surgeons use laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair as a common laparoscopic hernia treatment. Through a peritoneal incision, the surgeon places a mesh over the affected hernia areas.

Surgeries for external genitalia

  • Preputial adhesiolysis: Symptomatic preputial adhesions in boys less than 5 years old may be treated safely and effectively by preputial adhesiolysis. Circumcision and the hazards it entails are avoided by this technique.
  • Dorsal slit: A dorsal slit is a surgical procedure where the surgeon makes an incision in the foreskin of the penis to relieve stiffness and prevent retraction.
  • Circumcision: Circumcision is a safe and common procedure for men where our surgeons use a scalpel or surgical scissors to separate the foreskin from the head of the penis.
  • Vasectomy: A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that blocks the sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. It is a kind of male birth control treatment that is effectively performed by the surgeons.
  • Orchiectomy: We perform an orchiectomy procedure to prevent the spread of prostate cancer by removing one or both of the male testicles. The doctors also employ the surgery to treat testicular cancer and breast cancer.
  • Orchidopexy: Orchidopexy is a common procedure treated by the surgeons for repairing or preventing undescended testicles. It is usually performed to reduce the risk of crush injury and hernia.
  • Epididymal cyst excision: Epididymal cysts are swelling in the sperm collecting tubes of men’s testicles. The surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum over the cyst to remove it separately.
  • Open and laparoscopic varicocele excision: A varicocele is a bulging or swelling of veins in the scrotum that causes pain and heaviness in the scrotum area. The doctors employ both open and advanced laparoscopic procedures to cut the swollen veins to alleviate the pain.
  • Hydrocele surgery: A hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac around the testicle. The surgery is usually performed under anaesthesia by making a small incision in the scrotum to remove or repair an affected hydrocele.
  • Penile amputation: Penile amputation is an unusual type of external genital condition. Our surgeons employ surgery to remove all or affected parts of the penis. The surgery is also used to treat patients with penile cancer.

Surgeries of gallbladder

  • Cholecystectomy: The gallbladder is removed surgically during a cholecystectomy. There’s a little organ underneath your liver called the gallbladder. It may be found on the right side of your abdomen, just above your rib cage.
    • Open cholecystectomy: Open cholecystectomy, the surgery to remove the gallbladder may be done for a variety of reasons, the most frequent being gallstones that are causing symptoms.
    • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: The gallbladder may be removed with laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a minimally invasive procedure. When gallstones create inflammation, discomfort, or infection, this medication is a lifesaver. A few minor incisions are made during the procedure, and most patients are able to return home the same day and resume their daily activities.
  • Hepaticojejunostomy: The hepatic duct transports bile from the liver to the small intestine, where it is digested. It is possible to join the hepatic duct with the jejunum, which is located in the middle of your small intestine. This technique is known as a hepaticojejunostomy.
  • Choledochoduodenostomy: A surgical operation known as choledochoduodenostomy (CDD) is used to link the common bile duct (CBD) to another part of the duodenum. Patients with bile duct stones, stenosis of the sphincter of Oddi, pancreatitis linked with biliary illness, choledochal cysts, and bile duct fistulas, as well as benign or malignant biliary blockage, may benefit from one of these procedures.

Surgeries on Pancreas, Spleen and Adrenals

  • Cystojejunostomy: Acute pancreatitis is often followed by the development of pancreatic pseudocysts. It is responsible for 75% of pancreatic cystic neoplasms. There are times when surgery is the only option for treating cysts that are symptomatic and fast growing or difficult. When a pancreatic pseudocyst is situated far from the stomach, a cystojejunostomy is a suitable therapy.
  • Open splenectomy: Trauma and hematologic illness are the two most common reasons for open splenectomy. One of the most often damaged intraperitoneal organs is the spleen; splenectomy may be necessary to treat splenic injuries.
  • Laparoscopic splenectomy: One of the most important aspects of any laparoscopic procedure is teamwork. A surgeon, an assistant surgeon, and a camera operator are all involved (a specialist who operates the laparoscopic camera). When it comes to splenectomy, laparoscopic splenectomy is the technique of choice at our facility. Even in cases of splenomegaly, laparoscopic splenectomy is less traumatic than standard open splenectomy.

Surgeries on liver

  • Liver abscess drainage: As an alternative to taking medication, you may do this procedure at the same time. As an alternative, it may be performed if medication fails or the illness creates additional complications. Draining a liver abscess may be done in a variety of methods. A syringe needle may be inserted into the abscess by your doctor. Once the fluid is drained, he or she uses a syringe. Aspiration is the term for this. You may also have a small wire inserted into your skin by the healthcare practitioner. To make sure the wire is in the proper area, the medical professional will consult a CT scan or an ultrasound. The catheter is then inserted into the abscess by wrapping the wire around it. As long as five or seven days are required for the fluid to drain from the tube, it is considered safe. Surgery to drain an abscessed liver is sometimes necessary.

Midgut & Hindgut Surgeries

  • Laparoscopic Appendectomy: A laparoscopic appendectomy is a non-invasive surgery used to remove the appendix, a small tube-like pouch attached to the large intestine. The surgeon makes a small incision in the abdomen and inserts the laparoscopic instrument to operate on the internal organ. The appendix is removed through one of the small incisions. Laparoscopic surgery reduces the pain, infection, and scars.
  • Open Appendectomy: In an open appendectomy, a cut or incision is made on the lower side of the abdomen. The surgeons remove the appendix through the incision and the wound is closed with stitches. It allows the surgeon to clean the abdominal cavity if the appendix has burst.
  • Peptic/bowel/appendicular perforation peritonitis: Perforation of an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum is a surgical emergency; however before performing the operation, sufficient time should be allowed for the patient to recover from the initial shock (rarely severe or prolonged) and for the restoration of the fluid balance. The choice for closure of the perforation versus a definitive ulcer procedure depends on the overall assessment of the risk factors by the surgeon. Laparoscopic exploration with or without definitive repair is often preferred especially in the setting of anterior perforation of the duodenum with a plan for simple closure.
  • Small bowel resections: Small bowel resection is a surgery to remove a damaged section of the small intestine. The procedure is also employed to remove intestinal blockages and other bowel diseases. Both open and laparoscopic surgeries are performed to remove the bowels.
  • Mesenteric cyst excision: A mesenteric cyst is a cystic lesion that arises in the mesentery of the gastrointestinal tract. It commonly develops in the small bowel mesentery in both children and adults. It can cause intestinal obstruction, rupture, and infection. Complete surgical removal is preferred to treat the condition.
  • Open Meckel’s diverticulectomy: Open meckel’s diverticulectomy is a safe surgery to remove an abnormal pouch or diverticulum from the lining of the small intestine. The surgeon will make a surgical cut in the abdomen to remove the diverticulum from the wall of the intestine.
  • Open stomas – feeding jejunostomy, Ileostomy, colostomy
    • Colostomy: In colostomy surgery, surgeons create an opening (stoma) to connect the colon to the surface of the abdominal wall. Solid stool and gases can leave the body through the opening instead of passing through the rectum.
    • Feeding jejunostomy: It is a surgical procedure where a feeding tube is inserted into the lumen of the proximal jejunum in order to provide food or medications for patients.
    • Ileostomy: A safe surgical procedure where a surgeon makes an opening in the abdomen to remove digestive waste. The surgery is performed when the colon or rectum is not functioning properly.
  • Open right hemicolectomy: A hemicolectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove part of the large intestine (colon). In an open right hemicolectomy, the surgeon removes the part of the affected colon (ascending colon) that is attached to the end of the small intestine. Then the small intestine is attached to the transverse colon.
  • Open left hemicolectomy: During an open left hemicolectomy, the surgeons remove the descending colon as well as any colon that has affected the rectum. Then the transverse colon is directly attached to the rectum.
  • Open transverse colectomy: An open transverse colectomy is a surgical procedure where the surgeon removes the transverse colon in order to prevent the spread of cancer cells to any other parts of the colon.
  • Open sigmoid colectomy: Open sigmoid colectomy surgery is usually performed to remove all or part of the sigmoid colon of the large intestine before the rectum.
  • Open total colectomy: In open total colectomy surgery, the surgeon makes one long incision in the abdomen wall to operate on the affected colon tissues directly. The large intestine from the lowest part of the small intestine will be removed.
  • Open anterior resection: An open anterior resection is a surgical procedure where a partial or complete rectum is removed. It also removes the surrounding lymph nodes to prevent the spread of cancer cells.
  • Open abdominoperineal resection: In open abdominoperineal resection, the surgeon removes the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon through a cut or incision made in the abdomen. This surgery is often performed to treat rectal cancer.
  • Open/laparoscopic rectosigmoidopexy: Rectosigmoidopexy is done in cases of complete rectal prolapse. In this procedure, rectum and sigmoid colon are pulled with the help of mesh and attached to the sacral promontory.
  • Rectovaginal repair for fistula: Rectovaginal fistula repair is a surgical process in which an incision is made inside the vagina to stitch the healthy tissue between the rectum and the vagina together in order to cover and repair the fistula. It allows the tissue to grow into patches and heals the fistula.

Surgeries on Anus and Perineum

  • LASER Hemorrhoidectomy: A laser hemorrhoidectomy is a treatment where the doctor uses a narrow beam of laser to shrink or burn the swollen haemorrhoids. The surgery is minimally invasive and causes less pain.
  • Stapled and minimally invasive procedure for haemorrhoids (MIPH): In a minimally invasive procedure for haemorrhoids (MIPH), the surgeon uses advanced stapler devices to remove part of the pile mass. The treatment allows for faster recovery and reduces bleeding.